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On her way home with her little brother, little Noya suddenly hears an enchanting sound. 


Attentive and curious, she listens to this wonderful sound and feels enchanted by the magic. Without hesitation, she takes her little brother by the hand and hurries with him towards the magical sound. 

Noya discovers a little Scarab sitting in the grass. In his lap is a little violin he made himself from blades of grass and an old piece of hollow wood. The little Scarab beckons to Noya.

Delicately, he places the little violin in her arms and says, "Trust me, close your eyes and let your fingertips glide gently over the blades of grass".

Gently, like a precious object, Noya held the violin in her small hands and stroked the sides with the bow. 


The first note sounded - her hands were still trembling, but she played on and on until the sound of the notes touched her soul. Little Scarab looked at her, smiled and said "You see, if you trust your little heart, you'll discover magical things in your life".

No. 2 "The magic of music

  • En séries numérotées et limitées. 

    La créatrice fabrique chaque pièce entièrement à la main en porcelaine de Limoges dans l’atelier en Provence.

    Pièce par pièce, chaque courbe est patiemment dessinée, sculptée, affinée et minutieusement polie.

    Cette création nécessite un traitement particulier et doit être réalisée en 3 cuissons dans le respect des Arts du Feu dans un four à Haute Température: Tout d’abord la première cuisson, «le Dégourdie» , suivi de l’émaillage et du deuxième feu, «la vitrification». 

    Finalement c’est le moment précieux de la pose délicate de l’or jaune liquide au pinceau, qui sera cuite ensuite en troisième feu.

    Personalize your Beetle by affixing your initials in gold, delicately placed with a brushby its creator.


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