"One golden autumn day, a little Scarab was born with beautiful baby wings. His parents carefully wrapped their baby's wings in soft, warm blankets every day to protect them from the cold.
The little Scarabee learned to move his wings carefully, stretching them gently to develop the strength he needed to fly. One morning, his wings were strong enough to take his first flight.
The big day had arrived. With tears of joy in their eyes, his parents watched their little Scarabee soar into the sky, spreading his marvellous luminous wings as he glided effortlessly through the air.
From that day on, his parents knew that their little one's wings would carry him above all mountain peaks, with the certainty that his parents would see and protect him always and everywhere."
No. 1 "Protective Elders
En séries numérotées et limitées.
La créatrice fabrique chaque pièce entièrement à la main en porcelaine de Limoges dans l’atelier en Provence.
Pièce par pièce, chaque courbe est patiemment dessinée, sculptée, affinée et minutieusement polie.
Cette création nécessite un traitement particulier et doit être réalisée en 3 cuissons dans le respect des Arts du Feu dans un four à Haute Température.
Finalement c’est le moment précieux de la pose délicate de l’or jaune liquide au pinceau, qui sera cuite ensuite en troisième feu.