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Conditions of use

These General Terms of Use (hereinafter "GTU") define the terms of access, navigation and use of the website (hereinafter the "Site"). They are concluded between any Internet user (hereinafter "the User" or "you") and the Site, published by the microenterprise Maison Héliora. The term "use" covers all operations carried out by the User upon accessing the Site, including its simple consultation, regardless of the access device, type and location of connection. 


Acceptance and updating of the GTU


By browsing the Site, you are deemed to have read the GTU and to accept them without reservation. 

Maison Héliora reserves the right to modify, update or change these Terms and Conditions at any time in order to adapt them to legislative and regulatory changes or to update the features of the Site. Any modification will be the subject of an information on the Site. The applicable conditions are those in force on the Site at the time of its use.

Navigation, warranty and accessibility to the service.


You may access any page of the Site free of charge. 


You have the choice to create or not a customer account in order to make your purchases, to follow the manufacturing steps of the pre-ordered parts as well as their delivery, to manage your returns and complaints. 

The creation of this account is not necessary to access and browse the Site. 


Maison Héliora makes every effort to maintain access to the Site and its proper functioning. 

For maintenance and updating purposes, access to the Site may be temporarily suspended without notice. Maison Héliora shall not be held responsible for any interruption of access due to these operations. 

Similarly, Maison Héliora shall not be held responsible for difficulties or impossibilities of access to the Site due to external circumstances, including disruptions related to telecommunications networks or our hosting providers.



Obligations of the user


You agree not to use or allow the abuse, illicit, fraudulent or malicious use of the Site. 


In particular, the following are prohibited 


- Any behavior likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down, prevent access to the Site or to impose a disproportionate load on our infrastructure; 


- Any intrusion or attempted intrusion into our systems (hacking, introduction of malicious code, extraction and illegal collection of data, including personal data of users of the Site, infringement of security and authentication measures etc.); 


- Extraction and/or use of information contained on the Site for commercial purposes or beyond normal private use.




Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights


This Site and its contents are protected by copyright, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights. The contents (including the products) are the property of Maison Héliora. Said content includes, but is not limited to, all photographs, images, illustrations, trademarks, texts, video clips, audio clips, drawings, logos, graphics and other materials appearing on this site, as well as the software used to design and operate the site.


The data contained in this site is presented for informational and promotional purposes only. The site is intended for private, personal, non-commercial use only. Accordingly, you may download or reproduce information from this site for strictly personal, non-commercial purposes only. Downloading or reproducing any material or software does not give you any right, title or interest in such material or software. Other than for personal, non-commercial use, you may not reproduce, publish, transmit, broadcast, post, delete, add to, or modify in any way, create derivative works from, sell or participate in the sale of any portion of this Site, any materials contained on this Site or any associated software. Any other use of the materials contained in this site, including reproduction for other than personal, non-commercial purposes, modification, distribution or reproduction without the prior written consent of the company is strictly prohibited.



The Site and all elements (including products), documents and other data contained therein (the "Content"), whether visual or audio, are protected by French and international rules applicable to trademarks, trade or service marks - whether registered or not as such - and trade names or other distinctive signs, copyrights, neighbouring rights, sui generis rights, design rights, patents, trade secrets or other rights of a similar nature and are owned or licensed by Maison Héliora.


All documents, information, texts, graphics, images, photographs or any other content published on the website are the exclusive property of Maison Héliora. Consequently, they may not be reproduced, exploited or used for any purpose whatsoever without the express authorization of Hanna Pfestorf.

Maison Héliora is the owner of all intellectual property rights (with the exception of the moral rights of the authors) pertaining to the Products and to the trademarks and distinctive signs under which the Products are marketed.


The Customer acknowledges without reservation the intellectual property of Maison Héliora and undertakes not to infringe it in any way whatsoever. More specifically, the Customer expressly agrees not to manufacture, sell, license or market in any way whatsoever, directly or through a third party, for his/her own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, the Products, imitations or reproductions of the Products or the intellectual property rights pertaining to the Products and the trademarks belonging to Maison Héliora.




Your right to use the Site and any Content or other material contained therein is subject to Your compliance with the Agreement and any applicable laws or regulations. Any use of the Site or any Content for any purpose other than as permitted by the Agreement may violate Our rights or those of Our licensors:


(I) You may access and display any Content and other materials on the Site only for non-commercial, private use;


(II) the Site and any Content may not be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, adapted, transmitted, distributed or used in any way without the prior written consent of Maison Héliora or unless otherwise permitted by applicable law (in which case, You must keep intact all proprietary notices);


(III) You must not use meta tags or any other hidden text containing Our name, trademark(s) or that of Our related companies without Our specific, prior and written consent;


(IV) any User who wishes to place, for his/her personal use, on his/her site, a simple link referring directly to the home page of the Site, must obtain Our specific prior written authorization; in no event shall Our agreement engage Our responsibility, in any capacity whatsoever, with respect to the Site or any Content;


(V) any hypertext link referring to the Site by the framing or in-line linking technique is strictly prohibited.



Suggestions and Contributions



If you choose to submit comments, suggestions, drawings, concepts, photos, testimonials other than your personal data covered by our privacy policy through this Site (hereinafter "Suggestions"), you do so on the basis that the Suggestions are not confidential and are not your property. The Company is under no obligation (i) to maintain the confidential nature of any Submission; (ii) to compensate any person financially for or in connection with any Submission; or (iii) to respond to or acknowledge receipt of any Submission. You hereby represent and warrant that none of your suggestions infringe the rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy or any other personal or proprietary rights. By making a Submission, you agree that the Company may (but is not obligated to) copy, publish, broadcast or otherwise use such Submission for any purpose, including but not limited to, advertising

promotional, product development or other commercial purposes, without reference to you or any other person and without financial compensation to you or any other person. You are and remain responsible for the content of any suggestions you make.



The Maison Héliora products shown on the site are representative of the Maison Héliora collection. However, not all Maison Héliora products are shown on the site. The style, designs, models and colors of the Maison Héliora products presented on the site may be modified without prior notice.





The content of this site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Microenterprise shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or errors, or for any loss or damage caused by the use of information obtained from or through the Site. It is your responsibility to evaluate the information and other content available on or through the Site. The Site and the information and materials contained therein are subject to change at any time, possibly without further notice or warning.



No Warranties


The site and its contents are provided "as is" and "within the limits of their availability". The Microenterprise is not responsible for and makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty as to title or freedom from malicious programs (such as viruses, worms, or trojan horses) or any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and expressly disclaims all warranties and liability. The Microenterprise does not warrant that the information contained in the Site is accurate, complete or current, that the Site is free of defects, or that any defects can be corrected, and assumes no liability in connection therewith. By using the Site, you agree to do so at your own risk and assume full responsibility for any inability to use the Site, any loss of data, and the costs associated with any support or repair of any hardware and/or software used by you to connect to the Site, and you agree to hold the Company harmless from any damages of any kind that may be caused by, result from, or relate to your use of the Site. If applicable law does not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, some or all of the above disclaimers may not apply to you.



Limitation of Liability


In no event shall the Microenterprise be liable for any actual, direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other damages of any kind, even if the Microenterprise has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of the use of, inability to use, or reliance on any information, product or material on this site. Because some courts do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, some or all of the above limitations may not apply to you.



Access to our site


If you choose or are provided with an identification code or password as part of our security procedures, you must treat this information as confidential and must not disclose it to any third party. We have the right to disable any ID or password whether chosen by you or assigned to you if, in our opinion, you have failed to comply with any provision of these terms and conditions. You shall not abuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojan horses, logic bombs or other malicious or technologically harmful material. You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and shareholders from and against any and all damages, costs, expenses, suits, losses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses arising out of or in connection with the use of this Site.



Governing Law


The courts of France shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of or relating to a visit to the Site, but the Company retains the right to bring suit against you for breach of these Terms in your country of residence or any other country in which such dispute may arise.

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